General Differences Between The Uppababy Mesa and Aria Family

The UPPAbaby Aria, Mesa V2, and Mesa Max are all high-quality infant car seats that offer excellent safety features and comfort for your little one. Here's a comparison of the key differences between the three models:
Weight and Height Limits: The Mesa V2 and Mesa Max have the same weight limit of 35 lbs and height limit of 32 inches, while the Aria has a slightly lower weight limit of 30 lbs and height limit of 30 inches.
Safety Features: All three seats have anti-rebound panels, load legs, and side-impact protection. However, the Mesa Max and Aria take safety a step further with additional features like an adjustable load leg and an anti-rebound+ panel for enhanced stability and impact protection.
Ventilation: The Mesa Max has side panel vents, while the Aria has back panel vents, both focused on providing superior airflow and keeping your baby cool.
Canopy Coverage: The Aria and Mesa Max offer oversized canopies that provide more coverage and privacy compared to the standard canopy on the Mesa V2.
Weight: The Aria is the lightest at only 6 lbs, making it easier to carry and move between vehicles, while the Mesa V2 and Mesa Max both weigh 9.9 lbs



Mesa V2: The most affordable of the three, with an MSRP of $349.99

Mesa Max: Priced at $399.99, with the added safety and comfort features.

Aria: The premium option at $449.99

Handle Release

Mesa V2 and Mesa Max: These models feature a single-button release on the handlebar to easily detach the car seat from the base or stroller

Aria: The Aria does not have a button on the handlebar for releasing the car seat. Instead, it uses a lever on the base to detach the car seat.


UppaBaby Stroller Compatibility 

The Mesa, Mesa Max, and Aria are all compatible with UPPAbaby's VISTA, VISTA V2, CRUZ, and CRUZ V2 strollers without needing any adapters.

The UPPAbaby MINU and RIDGE strollers, adapters are required to use the Mesa, Mesa Max, or Aria car seats.


Third Party Stroller Compatibility 

The Mesa, Mesa Max, and Aria can be used with a variety of third-party stroller models, but most require separate adapters to attach the car seat.

Compatible third-party strollers include Thule Urban Glide, BOB strollers, Mima strollers, Veer Cruiser wagons, and more - all requiring adapters.


Ease Of use

The Mesa and Mesa Max offer the easiest integration, as they can simply click into compatible UPPAbaby strollers without any additional parts needed.

The Aria requires the use of an adapter even with UPPAbaby strollers, making the attachment process slightly more complex.

In summary, the Mesa Max offers the most advanced safety features, the Aria is the most lightweight and portable, and the Mesa V2 provides a balance of features at a slightly lower cost. Ultimately, any of these UPPAbaby infant car seats will provide excellent protection and comfort for your child.


Mesa V2 ( Colour Jake)
Mesa Max ( Colour Jake)
UPPAbaby Aria Lightweight Infant Car Seat - Jake (Charcoal)
Aria ( Colour Jake)